Mature Drivers

MATURE Drivers

Many mature drivers return to driving after a break for many reasons and are anxious about their skills and competency in today’s traffic.

Lots of people also lose confidence if they haven’t kept their skills current.

Pallas Early Learning Driving School teaches many of these drivers to regain their confidence in our dual controlled car at our private road facility at Pallas, Tynagh, Loughrea, Co. Galway.

This will enable people to regain the confidence and skills and get them driving comfortably on the open road, where they can learn more advanced driving skills.

Looking for individual driving lessons and under 17 years old find out more information here.

Feeling a bit nervous and unsure and do not want to start on the roads with all that traffic, why not learn to drive in our Traffic Free Private Road Network, find our more information here.

After Lockdown, feeling that you need more independence and want to either get back on the road or learn to drive for the first time all over again, we have the perfect solution for you in our Pressure Free environment. Click here for more information on our prices.

An older person, who may never have driven or may not have driven for a period of time, possibly through reliance on a partner, may wish learn anew or to restore confidence to enable them to drive regularly.

Confidence is an integral part of competent driving and many drivers may find their driving years extended by improving their driving skills to meet the demands of today’s modern infrastructure. An older person may choose to engage in a course of driving lessons to refresh their skills and knowledge.

Pallas, Tynagh, H62 X265, Loughrea, Co. Galway Ireland.

Based on the site of:

Older woman driving car